Friday, January 2, 2009

Seven Pounds

I went to see the movie Seven Pounds, with Will Smith, tonight. It was a very interesting movie. Definitely a "to see" movie...not sure if I would go to the theater for it though. It was good to get out of the house and see Stephanie (love ya!). We had a lot of fun, like we always do, and we didn't get arrested (which is always a plus...especially with Steph, HA!). But anyway, I definitely broke my diet a bit, but as I never, hardly ever do anything I thought it was okay. I did my gazelle for 30 minutes today, which is definitely a good thing. From what I understand, you have to do something for 21 days for it to become a habit. This is day 2 :0)

I read somewhere on the internet today, about Alex's illness, that neutropenia is common. Alexander has something call Transiet Erythroblastopenia of Childhood (TEC). While his hemoglobin (red blood cells) are normal now, a large section of his white blood cells (called neutrophils) are NOT normal. They are very low, and this is called neutropenia. He basically has very little immune system, almost like that of a person with AIDS, if that helps explain it better. I believe my biggest fear is that Alex does have cancer. I suppose I haven't said that out loud yet, but since we never did the bone marrow aspiration it's always in the back of my head. I have decided to go with Alex to the doctor myself on Monday since I will have 9 million questions, as I always do.

On another note, I gave Alexander his first table food today. He had chopped carrots and broccoli, mashed potatoes and super soft chicken. He was hesitant at first, but he did really well. I could tell he was very proud of himself. I should also mention that his diarrhea has stopped, so his diaper rash is better. He has been spending his days down in Hunter's room lately. He plays with some of his toys in his brother's room - he seems to really love it and I think Hunter likes the company. Hunter has been brushing his own teeth lately. Every morning he reminds me and says, "I brush teef with paste, Mommy." It's so funny...well, maybe just to me!

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