Well, we knew it would happen eventually. It was more a matter of "when" not "if." My little daredevil broke his arm :o( I did not see it happen, but I am pretty sure he jumped off his bed (it's a queen size). His cry let me know something was different. His little arm looked bent, so to the ER we go. They heavily sedated him in order to set the arm. He was so funny and goofy then. On the arm where his IV was he had a board taped to the palm of his hand up his forearm for stability. Well, he thought it was an airplane and was flying it. He was babbling and laughing incoherently. Poor little baby. He's doing pretty good now, but he is having a little trouble adjusting to his cast - like he doesn't know where to put it...he's afraid to lift it on his own, etc.
In other news, Alexander had his appointment today....GOOD NEWS!!!!! His blood counts were finally 100% normal! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! We only have one more appt in Feb, then we are all done and he can be a normal baby!
Here are some pictures of Hunter's arm:
Before the cast

Ah, poor little Hunter! But I am soo glad to hear the great news about Alex! WOOHOO